What is Stress
Stress is the body's response to any change that needs adjustment or response. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental and emotional reactions. Stress is a normal part of life. You can experience Stress from your environment, your body and your thoughts.
Stress is not necessarily a 'bad' thing. Without this magnificent ability to feel stress, mankind cannot survive. For example, our cave ancestors used the onset of Stress to alert potential threats such as the scimitar-toothed tiger.
Stress is a physiological response:
Stress is primarily a physiological response. When Stressed, the body thinks that it is attacking the fight or flight 'mode, releasing a complex mixture of hormones and chemicals such as adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine to prepare the body for a physical attack. It causes many reactions, from diverting muscles to blood, to shut down unnecessary bodily functions such as digestion.Through the release of hormones such as adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine, the caves gained a rush of energy, which prepared them to fight or escape from the tiger. That heart-pounding, rapid breathing sensation is adrenaline; Along with boosting energy, it enables us to shift our focus so that we can react to the situation quickly.
In the modern world, fight or flight mode can still help us avoid dangerous situations, such as reacting quickly to the person in front of our car by slamming on the brakes.
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Stress under inappropriate circumstances:
Our body goes into a state of Stress under inappropriate circumstances. When blood flow is only going to the most important muscles needed to fight or escape, brain function is reduced. This can lead to an inability to think straight.
A state that is a major obstacle in both our work and home life. If we are kept in a state of stress for a long time, it can be harmful to our health. Increased cortisol levels can result in increased sugar and blood pressure levels and decreased libido.
Do not let the pressure of the exam period affect your performance. There are many ways to relieve the Stress of studying and enhance your learning ability…A state that is a major obstacle in both our work and home life. If we are kept in a state of stress for a long time, it can be harmful to our health. Increased cortisol levels can result in increased sugar and blood pressure levels and decreased libido.
Stress is a state of tension:
When your body goes into a state of tension, you may feel agitated and aggressive towards others; This can be a "fight" due to our body's natural reaction. This can be a useful response to ward off predators, but in unnecessary situations, it can affect relationships and negative reputation.Tips to reduce stress during exams
Breathe and stretch while studying:
Breathing techniques are one of the fastest and easiest ways to reduce Stress (relieve tension) in the body and calm the mind. Intentionally deep, slow breathing causes the body to undergo a relaxed response: the heart rate slows down, muscles relax and blood pressure decreases.Try five minutes of abdominal breathing (focus on filling the air in the abdominal area). Breathe for a count of seven, hold your breath for seven seconds, for seven seconds exhale.
Stretching the body will also help relieve muscle tension, increase circulation, and centre your brain. Enrol in a gentle yoga class for a guided stretching session, then practice the techniques at home. It is important to take a break from sitting at your desk.
Not only will this keep you relaxed and alert, but it will also help you sleep better - all of this leads to more effective study and exam performance.
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Yoga reduces Stress
Include a few minutes of yoga asana practice and breathing techniques (Pranayama) in the daily schedule and take advantage of a calm and focused mind on the day.Daily yoga practice makes it easier to study as efficiency increases and memory improves. Yoga has always proved to be helpful for children and adults to relax the mind and body.
Become a professional in time management:
To make the most of your study time and to make it as Stress-Free as possible, it is necessary to create a study timetable. Planning your study a week or month in advance is ideal, which means that you know exactly what you need to do, and you have everything you need.Reduce stress during exams |
But even if you have less time than this, such as creating a timetable will help you ensure that the most important elements fit the time you have left. Make sure you factor in to break and relax activities and make sure to mix it up so that you don't spend the whole day rote the same topic - you'll just get bored!
Cut out Distractions, Reduce Stress:
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If you find it particularly difficult to turn it off, remove any social media apps from your phone and consider installing a website blocker on your computer so that there is no way you can access those sites That distract you the most.
Take breaks outside:
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Heart pumping Reduces Stress:
Not only will regular exercise relieve Stress, but it can also improve concentration and mental awareness - two things that are important when studying for your degree. Tiring yourself with exercise will also improve your sleep, which further reduces Stress levels.Reduce stress during exams |
You don't have to go all-out to get the Stress-relieving benefits of exercise. A 10-minute walk can be as effective as a 45-minute strenuous exercise. Even better is that it doesn't really matter what form of exercise you do, anything beneficial would be getting out for some cardio would be a great way to boost your mood, but equally a yoga break. Will help to relax body and mind for your study session.
Talk out to reduce stress:
When you feel pent up and anxious about your studies and exams, the pressure may feel excessive. A really great way to get control of the situation is to talk to your peers about what you are doing.Reduce stress during exams |
You may find that they are feeling exactly that and, as they say, the problem shared is a problem that has been halved! If all of this is happening on your desk too much, take time to call a good friend or parent and talk about the Stress of your studies.
You'll feel a lot better just to address your worries and turn the phone off with a new focus and determination.
Working in close proximity with other people boosts your mood and you should focus on the task at hand, and you will be less likely to get upset or worry about social media, upcoming exams and deadlines.
Take the right snacks during your studies:
Studies have proved without a doubt that certain foods can help relieve Stress and anxiety. If you are feeling overwhelmed by looking at your revision notes, then eating foods and beverages high in sugar or caffeine will only increase your Stress. Instead, make sure that you are putting healthy food in your body, which will help you stay calm and hopefully also increase your brainpower.Reduce stress during exams |
Some of the best (and tasty) mood-boosting snacks include blueberries, dark chocolate and pistachio nuts. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds have high levels of magnesium, which is known to regulate emotions.
Eating too much of anything will make you feel lethargic and off-form, eat-in moderation. Black and green tea drinkers have also been shown to produce lower levels of the Stress hormone cortisol after performing stressful tasks, so put the kettle on when it becomes too high!
Make bedtime a priority:
This is not an easy one because you are a student and all are, but going to bed at almost the same time every night is a fail-safe way to improve the quality of your sleep. Sleeping routines are also advised so that the body knows that it is going to sleep and will relax in preparation.Reduce stress during exams |
Turn off all electronic devices at least half an hour before bedtime and try not to study from your bed, as you will start associating it with negative feelings like Stress.
So you may want to keep it only for that length - but it depends on what works for you.